French actress Michele Mercier, best known for her iconic role as Angélique in the series of films...
Alison Krauss and Union Station Deliver Stirring Performance of “Man of Constant Sorrow” Alison Krauss and...
Robert Plant Finishes Show Solo After Alison Krauss Departs Stage New York City, NY — In...
Bjorn Set to Sign New $150 Million Four-Year Deal: A New Era Begins In a groundbreaking...
Scarlett Johansson, one of Hollywood’s most celebrated actresses, has notably abstained from the social media frenzy that...
Christopher Plummer, an actor renowned for his versatile performances and distinguished career, left an indelible mark on...
Alison Krauss & More to Be Inducted into Bluegrass Hall of Fame NASHVILLE, Tenn. — In...
Christopher Plummer’s Perspective on “The Sound of Music” Christopher Plummer, the distinguished Canadian actor known for...
Alison Krauss and Robert Plant Team Up on New Album: A Harmonious Collaboration Alison Krauss and...
Christopher Plummer Remembered: ‘It Was a Privilege to Stand So Close to Greatness’ The world of...